21 Raisin Water Benefits ,Side Effects and How to Make it

Raisin water benefits stands as a beautiful source of healthy life

Raisins, popularly known as kishmish, are considered to be one of the most nutritious dried fruits in the world.

Raisins or dried grapes are wonderful foods that may be consumed raw or used in baking, cooking, and brewing. It is produced globally and goes by a variety of names. Raisins come in a range of sizes and hues, including green, black, brown, blue, purple, and yellow, depending on the type of grape used in their production. Raisins are more commonly referred to as “Kishmish” in India and Arabs and are a good source of vital vitamins, minerals, and energy.

They are nutrient-dense, high in fiber, and packed with energy. They are naturally sweet and high in sugar and calories, but when consumed in moderation, they are good for our health. Raisins can also strengthen bones, increase iron levels, and help with digestion. While eating raisins raw is quite beneficial, soaking them in water overnight and consuming them along with the water may be better for you. Soaked raisins are filled with vitamins, minerals, and fiber, which can benefit our health in various ways. The health benefits of raisins are boosted when it is consumed in the form of Raisin water, which soaks up numerous essential nutritional properties.

Raisin is a seedless dry fruit, packed with essential nutrients like vitamins, dietary fiber, potassium, and magnesium. Despite its 60% natural sugar, raisins contain the highest amount of polyphenolic content and antioxidant levels as compared to other dried fruits. Raisin or Kishmish is prepared through drying grapes, but raisins are nearly four times more nutritious than grapes.

What is Raisin Water ?

A drink made of soaked raisins, When sufficient amounts of raisins are poured into a bowl of water, they are allowed to get soaked for sufficient amount of time. The water that is filtered out by removing the raisin is known as raisin water. Raisin water is even healthier to consume as it has zero fat and cholesterol. Raisin water benefits include purifying the blood, increasing the blood count, and detoxifying the body. Moreover, it can manage several health issues, such as blood cholesterol, diabetes, anemia, and even heart-related concerns. It’s advised to consume raisin water religiously for four days but not in excess, and sugar intake should be less during these days.

This article will highlight the benefits of drinking raisin water, how to make raisin water and the side effects of overconsumption of raisin-soaked water.

Nutritional Profile

Let us look at the nutritional profile of 100 gm of Raisin.

  • Calories – 308 kcal
  • Proteins – 1.8g
  • Fats – 0.3 g 
  • Carbohydrates – 74.6 g
  • Fiber – 6.8 g
  • Calcium – 87 mg
  • Iron – 1.79 mg
  • Magnesium – 36 mg
  • Potassium – 744 mg
  • Vitamin C – 2.3 mg

Raisin Water Benefits

Raisins soaked in water overnight benefits

Raisin water offers holistic benefits for both the well-being and spirit of individuals. From alleviating gastrointestinal issues to addressing skin acne concerns, its advantages are manifold. Enhancing digestion and instilling a sense of rejuvenation, this elixir prompts a genuine interest in preparing and experiencing overnight-soaked raisin water. Drinking raisin water daily on an empty stomach can enhance your health in many ways and invite the goodness of its nutrients. Below are 21 of those benefits that you can enjoy when you start your day with a glass of raisin water daily. For those intrigued, a detailed raisin water recipe is also provided.

1. Great for Detoxification

raisin water benefits

Raisin water benefits for liver .Raisin water helps clean your body and liver by getting rid of toxins and boosting vital organ functions. It makes your blood pure and helps your liver work better. The liver is a vital organ that helps filter the blood and break down all harmful content. If the health of the liver is not up to par, it may drastically affect the blood purification process. Drinking Raisin Water An empty stomach can provide minutes of fiber content and aid in colon detoxification. Raisin water increases the regulation of digestion. Raisin water eliminates harmful chemicals and toxins from your body and also helps your kidneys and colons smiling.

2. Helps with Digestion

Helps with Digestion

Raisin water is packed with fiber and natural fluids that keep your stomach and intestines healthy. It prevents constipation and keeps your stomach clean. Regular drinking of raisin soaked water empty stomach early morning helps to relieve from gastric problem. This enables proper bowel Movement and healthy colon functioning. The Enzymes Amylase which breaks down complex carbohydrates , similar Lipase and Protease helps in fat and protein breakdown respectively . The Raisin water makes the functioning of these enzymes proper.

3. Balances Acidity

Balances Acidity

If you have too much acid in your body, raisin water can help balance it. This can prevent issues like arthritis, cancer, and heart disease.

4. Raisin water benefit with Boosting Blood Count

Blood Count

Raisins water is rich in iron, vitamins, and copper. They help create new blood cells, making you less likely to get anemia.

5. Strengthens Bones

Strengthens Bones

Raisin water benefits can be realized with respect to stronger bones as well. Raisin water has calcium and potassium, which are essential for healthy bones. It can even protect against osteoporosis.

6. Energy Booster

Energy Booster

Raisin water is full of healthy carbs and natural sugars that give you energy. It’s a great choice before a workout, without any additives or added sugar.

7. May Help with Fever


Raisin water can fight off infections during a fever, thanks to its germ-fighting properties.

8. Immunity Against Cancer

Raisin water has antioxidants that can help prevent certain types of cancer, like colon cancer.

9. Good for Your Teeth


It can protect your teeth from harmful bacteria and dental problems.

10. AphrodisiacHelp in reproductive health


It can boost your libido and help with reproductive health.

11. Improves Eye Health

Eye Health

Raisin water is rich in nutrients that are good for your eyes and can prevent eye diseases.

12. Helps with Hypertension


It can help lower your blood pressure and keep your blood vessels healthy.

13. Regulates Blood Sugar

Blood Sugar

Raisin water has a low impact on blood sugar levels and can help regulate them, even for diabetics.

14. Raisin water benefits for weight loss

The Raisin water provides lasting energy and helps control hunger hormones, this prevents unnecessary cravings which can support weight loss. The Natural Sugar in Raisin water saturate your sweet tongue spot and minimize the craving for unhealthy food items. Since Raisin soaked water also contains fiber it aids in feeling of fullness and helps in weight management. The Fiber in Raisin Water mantain proper Functioning of Liver and this Helps in proper supply of Body including the muscles tissues. Ferulic acid, rutin, quercetin, and trans-caftaric acid are all very abundant in raisins which really helps in body Building.

Raisin water also provides essential amino acids, and these amino acids are building blocks of muscles. The glucose and fructose helps the body for a longer workout, and this eventually helps in the shedding of extra calories. The prevention of hunger leads to excess calorie burning, and deficiency of daily required amount of calories to maintain the same weight may cause the body to burn the excess fat present in the body to fulfill the required amount of calories.

15. Boosts Immunity

It’s packed with antioxidants that strengthen your immune system. The magnesium in Raisin water also help in increasing the immunity of individual.

16. Balances Cholesterol


Raisin water can lower bad cholesterol levels and keep your heart and gut healthy.

17. raisin water benefits for weight loss

17. Improves Blood Flow

It contains nitric oxide, which helps with blood circulation and can prevent heart issues.

18. Anti-Aging

Raisin water can slow down aging by hydrating the skin and removing toxins.

19. Hair Health

It improves blood flow to the scalp, preventing hair loss and thinning.

20. Promotes Sound Sleep

Raisin water contains melatonin, which can help you sleep better through the night.

21. Raisin water benefits for Skin

Face Beauty

It helps the skin texture to remain stable and removes anti allergic from harming the skin surfaces .

According to a study, the presence of resveratrol in raisins help in removing toxic cells from the blood and helps in purifying the blood. The skin cells are also prevented from being damaged and help in the prevention of wrinkles and saggy skin.

In addition, raisins help in maintaining shiny hair and prevent hair loss problems, especially conditions like flakiness, scalp itchiness, and dandruff. 

Now that we have seen the numerous health benefits of raisins, let’s take a look at how they can be added to our diets in the most healthy way.

So, consider adding soaked raisin water to your daily routine for a host of health benefits!

Benefits of Dry Raisins

Raisins Promotes Weight Loss

Raisins are so high in natural sugars that they can help the body curb cravings without increasing calorie intake. As a result, it can support your efforts to lose weight and help you feel fuller for longer.

  • Helps Cure Anaemia
  • Raisins are full of essential nutrients and are rich in B-complex vitamins and iron, which can treat anaemia. Additionally, the copper content in raisins aids in the development of red blood cells.
  • Improves Digestion
  • Raisins contain a lot of fibre. As a result, when you soak them in water, they function as natural laxatives. Therefore, consuming soaked raisins helps ease constipation and control bowel motions.
  • Strong Bones
  • Raisins are a great source of boron, which is essential for the development of healthy bones. They are abundant in micronutrients and have a high calcium content. Consuming soaked raisins every day can result in strong and healthy bones.
  • Boosts Immunity
  • Vitamins B and C are abundant in raisins. By boosting immunity, these vitamins make the body less vulnerable to illnesses. Additionally, raisins’ anti-inflammatory and antibacterial characteristics protect you from fevers, infections, and a variety of illnesses.
  • Energy Booster
  • Raisins naturally contain glucose and fructose, which contribute to their high-calorie content. They also aid in preventing sluggishness and weight gain when consumed in moderation.

How To Make Raisin Water

  • Step 1: Take a small container or saucepan and add 2 cups of water to it. Heat it until it is boiling.
  • Step 2: Transfer the water to a bowl. Add 150 grams of raisins and let it soak overnight. Note: If you’re making your raisin water during the day, make sure to let it sit for at least 5-6 hours.
  • Step 3: In the morning, the water will be infused with the flavor and nutrients of raisins.
  • Step 4: Separate the raisins from the water, add lemon to the water if you wish to enhance the flavor, and drink it first thing in the morning.

You can also heat the water before drinking it. And make sure you don’t drink or eat anything for the next 15-30 minutes after drinking the raisin water. Also, drink it regularly to see the results.

It’s advised to drink this detoxification drink at least for four days on an empty stomach in the morning to see the desired results.

Side Effects of Raisin Water

  1. Excessive Antioxidants While antioxidants are beneficial, too many of them from raisin water can hinder nutrient absorption and affect healthy cells in your body.
  2. Excessive Dietary Fiber Raisin water has lots of dietary fiber, which is good for digestion. However, too much fiber can lead to issues like gas, poor nutrient absorption, and digestive problems. Moderation is key.
  3. Hypotension Risk Raisin water contains a high amount of potassium, which is good for blood pressure. However, overconsumption can lower blood pressure drastically, causing symptoms like fatigue, dizziness, and blurred vision. If you have blood pressure or diabetes concerns, consult your doctor before adding raisin water to your diet.
  4. Allergies Raisins are not hypoallergenic and may trigger allergies in some individuals, leading to issues like bacterial infections, skin rashes, nasal congestion, and more. If you’re prone to allergies, consume raisin water in small quantities and only if it suits you, or consider avoiding it.
  5. Not Suitable for Diabetes Raisin water’s natural sugars may not be suitable for people with diabetes. It can lead to blood sugar spikes.
  6. Weight Gain While raisin water has fewer calories than raw raisins, it’s still calorie-dense and can contribute to weight gain if consumed regularly. Not ideal if you’re trying to lose weight.
  7. Stomach Issues Raisin water, being high in sugar, can cause diarrhea in people with sensitive stomachs. It’s best to avoid it if you have stomach problems.

So, while raisin water offers many benefits, it’s important to be aware of these potential side effects and consume it in moderation, especially if you have specific health concerns. Always consult with your healthcare provider if you’re unsure about its suitability for your diet.

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